Thursday, February 4, 2010

Dutch Ovens and Mormons

So I was doing some research a while back, not sure what I was researching, but I stumbled across this little factoid:
The official cooking pot of Utah is the dutch oven.
Utah Cooking Pot

Yup you read that right, back in 1996, while the rest of America was enjoying economic boom and Bill Clinton was boffing interns and deciding cloning is a bad thing, Utah decided at 7:18 AM on 12/5/1996 to approve the dutch oven as the official state cooking pot. Here's the actual bill:
Utah Bill

I love the last part:
"A limited legal review of this bill raises no obvious constitutional or statutory concerns."

They must of forgotten about the hidden 28th amendment banning foreign named cooking instruments from official status! The 28th amendment was later changed to include "fart related objects" from holding official status. What does "limited legal review" mean? They searched the constitution for dutch oven and didn't find it? Can you imagine a legal clerk having that land on his desk?
"Please investigate constitutional or statutory concerns issues related to naming out state cooking pot as the dutch oven"

3 years of law school to look into what's essentially a giant Utah fart joke?

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